Lost in a world video.
What is the general premise of the video?
A) To show that people are prisoners of their phones and are blind to everything that happens around them or will value their likes and retweets of an event such as a woman committing suicide or police brutality over being a morally good person and helping the victim.
Is the video effective in conveying it's intended message?
A) The video is very effective since it shows the world from someones perspective who doesn't use their phone or is a prisoners of their phone.
Do you feel that this is more of a cautionary story (a warning) or more of an examination of our current social situation? Why?
A) I believe that now this is an examination since all of what was stated in the video is true, People line up to catch a virtual Pokemon, they video everything, they blindly message, and they make their lives seem more grand than others when they really aren't.
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