Napoleon Dynamite

1) I first thought Napoleon is a nerdy, cringey sort of guy. Turns out I was right.

2) In an emberassing cringey way it was a comedy. People may not say its a comedy due to the scenes not being slapstick humor.

3) Napoleon I believe saw himself as a Cool smart guy who was burdened with people who werent as smart as him. He felt at times that he was a dork but i think he did care a bit on how he looked and sounded due to he got mad when his uncle embarassed him in front of his friends.

4) I never really saw his talents with his nun chucks or his dart skills so i cant really determine that. He was working on being an artist so I'll give him that. I think the skill he does have is dancing.

5) Current Napoleons since its a relateable moment for them currently as opposed to former Napoleons who will look back and say "Was i really like that? Oh god"

6) Social Order:

  • The girl who ran for president
  • The Bully
  • Everyone else
  • Pedro
  • Napoleon
I believe i fit into the everyone else place.

7) I would vote for Pedro because he was the underdog and seemed to care more about the school wide problems rather than just the Cheerleader issues like Summer.

8) Napoleons problem was he was trying to fit in and be somewhat popular so he made up lies and fake talents. Kips problem was he was lonely and wanted to have a girlfriend or a lady friend and he ended up getting one. Uncle Ricos problem is that hes a con man and borderline Pedophile.

9) He's gonna prove that he has nothing to prove by stating and showing that he has nothing to prove about himself.

10) I can be a emberassing dork sometimes

11) He was happy ath end of the movie since everyone loved him and his performance.

12) Napoleon wore boots a lot probably to prevent from having to clean sneakers if he owned a pair since boots are made to get muddy. I don't think Napoleon cared for what people thought of his appearance

13) I think Napoleon Un dorked himself a bit but not by much and was still seen as a dork, just not a mega dork now.

14) Napoleon will most likely be a dance instructor whos overly cocky about his talents.
Pedro will be a high ranking member in FFA
Deb will be a professional sales woman or a model
Kip will probably still be in a relationship with Shalanda
Rico is going to be in jail no doubt.

15) A Dragon

16) Cheese


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